Prettier Sister
SHORT FILM TRAILER. 1.42 MIN - 2022 'Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the prettiest of them all? ' What happens when the inchoate obsessions and longings caused by jealousy for your sister take over? Jade & Lucca are odd and sinister, yet, there is no crime for the beholder to try and solve, we all know what happens, but who did it? Is it suicide or murder? Or both? The idea that one sister is evil and the other is good is borderline cliché, and Jade & Lucca don’t have polar-opposite personalities, instead, it is precisely their latching onto the disillusionment of uniqueness that drives them to madness. These two sisters ́ relationship is simultaneously turbulent & caring, like a long-standing illness from which there is no escape other than through a good old fashioned amount of drama & death. Playing with the tropes of femme liberation & patriarchal oppression, Jade & Lucca prowl looking for the right chance to take each other into an underbelly of blood, revenge and unbridled fear! Talents: Giada Tantirige, Lukas Hartvig-Møller Director, Producer, DOP, Editor, Colourist, MG artist, and SFX: GLORIA BERENICE MORENO PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: PIETRO CAMISA THANKS TO: CANON DANMARK A/S AND SOLIDARISK KAMERAUDLEJNING